Saturday, April 3, 2010

Presenting ALAM ANGGUN

Salam...How are you today?...actually I dont have much idea to write here...just want to acknowledge you all about New Tupperware Business Outlet in Putrajaya and it just start opening me for the first day of opening, 5K sales is quiet good.....kira ok la

Mom with Uncle Razman (BSM Tupperware HQ)

Nak dijadikan cerita.. almost four years ago my mom apply for Tupperware Business Cemtre (TBC)...she was tahan Mr David Wong (CEO of Tupperware Brands) at one of the conferance  that she attended. And she told Mr David Wong, She want a TBC around our house area or seksyen 7 Shah Alam...(that time my mom already  3 star Director.)..Mr David was told her...she need to rank up her self as 5 star Director and grow their organisation...then we may talk about this...when  she become 5 star..she went to see Mr Lim Bok Choo (SDM Tupperware) for the TBC...Mr Lim Bok Choo and Mr David ask my mom to rank up again to another level...n need to maintain their organisation sales and also need to achived certain target..hurmmm.quiet tough rite?...owhhhh dear..

Kalau sy, dah lama sy mak tak pernah putus asa....dia usaha setiap hari tak kenal penat lelah....dia jumpa org explain about marketing plan, about Tupperware product...dan macam2 lagi la.... the first place, my mom was ask for TBC in seksyen 27, or putra heights...but Mr Lim Bok Choo told that, now at area klang valley was freez...cant open any new TBC in klang valley...but he want one TBC in Putrajaya..He ask my mom, weather my mom want TBC in Putrajaya or not....mula2 rasa macam cuak juga...sebabnya jauh, satu lagi kebanyakan downline n director mak duduk kat area shah alam, subang last she agreed to be listed in 10 person TBC applying.

I think december last year my mom's name was listed in TBC apply...(tak ingat sgt la)..she go through interview by interview...until last three name were listed...that day...Mr Lim Bok Choo was told this three person included my mom.."wait for the called for the final interview."....For sure they cant wait for the next know who was awarded by day..week by week....(tunggu dengan penuh sabar)..kan mak...kan..kan..kan...hehe..

At the end of the year of 2009, my mom's was called by Mr Lim Bok Choo,told her that she might get to go for Final interview with Mr David Wong on 5th January 2010...and when she back home, she was really happy that she was awarded with TBC in putrajaya....kami pun tumpang gembira atas kejayaan mak selama ini...

Sebenarnya busines ni bukan untuk duit semata2..tapi sebagai platform untuk kami berdakwah...for us to potray good attitude, akhlak mulia, the way we communicate with customer, how we service customer, and banyak lagi sebenarnya....dakwah ni sebenarnya tak perlu nak bercakap pun..tak susah pun...kita boleh dakwah org dengan kita sendiri yang buat semua day people will acknowledge the good thing from us...betul tak?maybe..bila dia balik rumah..dia akan bercerita dengan family dia..staff ALAM ANGGUN tu baik2 la, servis pun pantas, budi bahasa pun lemah lembut..sentiasa senyum...macam-macam lagi la .

Tak susah pun kan..kalau kita nak dakwah org.?..tak payah nak cakap2, suruh2, paksa2...orang tak kan dengar.apatah lagi nak buat...diorang akan pandang sinis n kata "konon baik sangat la or alim sangat la tu sampai nak suruh2 orang solat la" (sbg contoh je nie)..hehehe...

Mak, Ayah..we support both of u..semoga perniagaan ini akan di berkati ALLAH S.W.T....semoga kita semua berada di bawah lembayung NYA....Aminnn!!!

Kaunter Order...Muhammad was busy key in order...n sempat lagi main FB...hahaha...maaf kan kak cik muhammad...Kantoi sudah...

Mak with Cikgu Rusila (next DIQ Alam Anggun)...Muhammad bz key in order cikgu Rusila...Adik sibuk main game kat lappy mak....nyibuk betul budak nie...jgn maraaa dik...(*_^)

    Naheed & Acha at dispencery area / BC Product

Ok lah..I got to sleep now...esok nak kena msuk office lagi......maaf la ye..bahasa campur aduk...hehehe....tgh bersemangat nak bercerita...n motivate my self to upgrade my confidence level, also to improve my english....kalau salah tolong tunjuk kan ea.....mohon maaf kalau ada terkasar bahasa di sini...

Ilalliqa' Maasalamah....Wassalam...


  1. Great! MashaALlah! Well done! Ai laik~~~ :D

    Fi amanillah kakakku! Syg kamu, tahu!

  2. NAUFA JELES!!!!!!!!
    nape naufa takde kat situ?????

  3. Naufa....kak cik rindu kat naufa sgt2....really need u...kak cik nak nangis.....
